At Trinity Church we support and partner with missionaries and ministries to help others experience the presence of God in their lives. Along with our on local outreach initiatives our goal is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, driven by His heart to serve others, while giving people the opportunity to find true hope and fulfillment.
We support and partner with missionaries and ministries to help others experience the presence of God.
Trinity After School provides care to students in our community of Southeast Columbia near our east campus. Students receive help with homework, reading, structured play, and a Bible curriculum to keep them fit in mind, body and spirit. Our program runs from 2:30 pm to 6 pm each school day.
Trinity Summer Camp provides care to students in our community of Southeast Columbia near our east campus. Our summer camp kids will have opportunities to go on scheduled field trips along with summer reading help and structured play, along with daily Bible curriculum to keep them fit in mind, body and spirit.
"Back to School Blessing" is a back-to-school outreach ministry of Trinity Church, assisting children of needy families in our communities. Our goal is to provide a backpack full of school supplies for elementary grade school children. Each year we are support elementary schools near each campus. You can supply a student with all they need including a backpack for only $30.
If you would like to join us in helping those in need you can fill out our online pledge form below. You can also donate at anytime using our Giving app and designating your giving as “Back to School Blessing” or place in one of your giving envelopes.
Help us to continue to make an impact for Jesus in our schools